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Week 7 : Relajado.

I woke up to something that cannot be fathomed. I dashed and shut the door, which bought me some peace. I went back to bed, the bell rang and sprang to class as there only 30 min left. I tried waking up my "old lady"(my PC), as she always does she did it again. I leaned back easy with in the silent air looking at the now window staring at the thin and fading clouds. The class was up but I wasn't able to enter as my tutor want able to let me in. So I rejoined a couple of times and finally did. In the class asked us to pair up and go through each other's reflective journals. I got paired with Abdullah. Went through mine and I went through his. His was fairly good, followed the pre - post - in segmentation. I remarked about my style and how good the red lady looks (my website).

Back to business plan which we have already done it in the past week. Then she introduced us a new management tool which comprises of iterative planning and creating milestone for each major steps along the process. We told her that we will be able to deliver a fully done prototype by week 12. As the task of the week I worked on setting up an fully functional server and client system, with respect to the suggestions provided by Abo Baker. The system is up and ready. for now the system is capable of spawning objects, deleting the spawned objects, Making and adding room. Adding players to room and the most important of all sending and receiving the data at your own comfort/rate.

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