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Week 4 : Ride with Ramses.

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

it was a Monday. As it always will be, at least for this term. I was not able to attend the class as I was given the and was invited for and exhibition held in Dubai. So I went there, played my part and came back home late on the said Monday.

On this week I was on a quest to finish-up VoIP system for our game, considering how crucial the communication mechanic in our game. I talked with Abo Balkar and he provided me with the credentials to his newly uploaded server system. The uploading process seam to be confusing so I asked him to offer me instructions so that I could upload a STUN server and test out my VoIP system. But due to some emergency, Abo Bakar was required to go to Egypt, and he told me to wait till he get back to Dubai. So for to make good use of time I focused on making the ghost-free-zone area indication material. making of which was kind of messy as I followed the format of one of my old Shaders. But within a short time I manage to figure out how to het it done and so there it was. Here is how it looks in the scene.

Transferable Skills

Problem Solving Skills : When making the server I came across a lot of blockades as most of the things were new to me and I had no clue how to hand it from my experience. So all of the solutions were made on the fly.

Flexibility/ Adaptability : As the server code is suppose to run on Node.js I made it using JavaScript which is not my native language. the syntaxes were new and in some cases unfamiliar. but I manage to adapt to the new way of coding and planning out.

References Understanding Color. (2014, February 27). [Video]. YouTube.

Clark, S. R. (2020, September 24). COLOR THEORY BASICS: Use the Color Wheel & Color Harmonies to Choose Colors that Work Well Together [Video]. YouTube.

StudioBinder. (2018, August 6). Color Theory in Film — Color Psychology for Directors: Ep5 [Video]. YouTube.

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