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Week 5 : Lifting It.

It was early in the morning, not really. I joined the class at sharp 9 o'clock. The began and our tutor checked with us about the pitch presentation we had with our department facilitator and weather we got approval from him or or not. we briefly detailed how it went and she was happy to know that we were given green light.

Later we were given a break. After the break she went on detailing why and how to compile a industry standard Business model for the product/title we are planning to release. For that we were introduced to a website called Canvanizer, where we were given a business model template so that we can compile one for our own project that's going to me made in this and the next trimester. Here is the link to the Canvanizer plan we made

Down the week we had a meeting with our facilitator to discuses how to go about building the game and what are the tasks we put our attention into and what are the solution out there that we could go for. He showed us most of the networking solutions out there like Photon. Mirror, Telepathy C#, Node;js. We said him that we are done with using photon as the last term it made hell for us. So he suggested going for mirror or node.js, as I had more experience with JavaScript as currently I work as a React Developer so I chose to go with node.js. So early next week I made a server architecture and texted connection and such.

as Unity Asset Store removed the package i had to go for WebSocket Sharp and also use WebSocket at the server end. The server turned out to be working and I manage to spawn objects between two builds.

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