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Stepping into Unity3D (Take 2)

Week 1 :

The unit GAM111 is designed as an introduction to Unity3D game engine and the methods and practices that should be adopted to create a successful and launchable game.

The first week we learned the very basics of unity like navigating through the scene, how to use the gizmos like move, scale and rotate. the tutor also mentioned how to vertex snap which could save a lot of time when using modular assets.

Basically the first class was all about familiarizing the Unity3D's work environment which comprises of project window, game window, scene window and inspector window.

Default Unity3D scene

We where also trying to make simple geometric structures like building stairs using the Unity3D's new prefab system which was released along with the 2019 version.

Week 2 :

we started to code using C# language and the tutor introduced us to unity building libraries like physics, vector etc.

in this class we learned how to move and rotate via script which can be attached to game objects and which runs while playing the game scene. also we learned about different methods to reference and get components from game objects.

we got and introduced to unity input management system and tags. learning about the input management system is quiet interesting as like how different user experience can be provided just by tweaking some values in the input manager.

In the end the tutor asked us to make a simple tap based game which moves a cube when we tap on it. the game is designed to be a local-multiplayer games so that two players could play the game on the same PC.

simple Unity3D tap game

the Tutor also mentioned to start working on the week 4 assignment which is a space shooter game which should be playable for two player on the same system and asked us to watch the GDC video called 'Building a Better Jump'

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