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Week 10 : Dust Storm...

Updated: Apr 19, 2021

Class 30 :

It was a Sunday the year 2021. The class was about how to optimize a game buy finding the bottle necks in the process by profiling using the profiler provide by Unity3D engine. Our tutor chose to demonstrate this by using the particle system. once the scene is populated with a lots of particles the the frames starts to drop severely. so in such a case we need to use the profiler with deep profiling option turned on so that we can soo the contribution of each process to the overall time/ frame rate. This can be used to observe the time consumption per function with a class, which comes in handy as minor format changes can affect the overall performance of the application by a lot.

Class 31 :

It was a Thursday. The class kicked off by stating a discussions regarding what licenses and licensing mean within the context of game development and creative industries. Our teacher took us through a website that simplifies and explains all the licenses out there which is TLDR legal ( Then we talked about Microsoft XNA. which is a game development platform developed by Microsoft to enable developers to make games that run on both PC and Xbox. Then our tutor cloned the Unreal Engine's Source code repo and took us through the whole thing. It was soo huge, like we were estimating how much time it would take for a small team like ours might need to make one like it. Then we looked into different rendering methods used in the modern graphics. Mainly Forward and Differed rendering. Forward rendering in the simplest out of all of them. were the scene is rendered multiple times per light sing multiple passes. The issue with this is that the you could only use a limited number of lights while using this method. While Deferred rendering solves this issue by having multiple buffer textures of the scene rendered into the memory and processed all of it finally to calculate the lighting. Class 32 :

It was a Saturday, We mainly did Shader, specifically the water shader. the main key thing is how to use the depth texture rendered by then camera. and how to use it to tint the water differently based on the difference in depth between the depth of the surface behind the surface of water and the surface of the water.

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