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Week 3 : Rounded.

Updated: Jun 18, 2021

I got in for the class, it was a Tuesday as it always will be on the warm month of June. I left off a bit late due to reasons that are best kept unspoken. Reached the station and rushed to university, stepped in 4 min late. The class kicked off pretty quick starting with the topic of chamfering edges as in real life objects its very less likely to have sharp edges. So we modelled a T.V as asked and chamfered the edge.

The we went on learning of materials and how to set it up in 3Ds Max. press button "M" to get the material editor popup. edit a material and drag and drop it to an object and it gets it.

We also learned to add texture to the material using the bitmapping option provided in the base color section of the material.

To modify the UV in a simple way we were asked to use UVW Map modifier. I and Juma went out with our Pauleene for a circuit. We were having small chats about different matters. pandemic, job, residency etc. I was happy to get back to an old friend after a long time also It was good to hear she is doing well. We got back to class, Juma quickly showed me the two trailer edits of our game he was working on. Then the class began.

She resumed by showing us how to add a material to a polygon by simply selecting it first and then dragging and dropping it on to the selection. Next she went over how Render the scene and for that we are supposed to render it using Arnold render and therefor we are also supposed to use Arnold material and Arnold lighting. We were shown how to setup a simple lighting arrangement.

To set the scene sky lighting we can press 8 button and edit the ambient light color.

As the submission for this week we are asked to light and render the scene in 1920 x 1080 resolution and write a reflection about it and include the reference image and the max file containing the scene for assessment.

Made a render of the scene using Arnold renderer and Arnold lighting and with all objects with custom materials added. And also the as told I Rendered it using the suggested Image Resolution for the submission which is 1920 x 1080. And this is how the render turned out to be which is thing is quiet ok for a first-timer.

Here is the link to the project file

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