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Week 2 : Slip.

Updated: Jun 14, 2021

It was a Tuesday, the month of June, year 2021. The day was just a bit more than warm for my taste. I sped my pace to the uni, to reach before I caught fire. I reached way before my time. Just slipped around till caught the sight of my buddy. Walked a bit in circles, fooling around along the way. Reached the class, setup my stuff and got going. The lecturer started off by introducing us to Modifiers which are layers of mesh modifications/operations done over a base mesh. The first operation was the taper and curve. We were asked to modify a cylinder with subdivisions and one without.

Then about how to group objects, which is by using an operation called merge group. So using it we were asked to make a simple table. later we were also introduced concepts like vertices, edges, quads and borders. After that were were shown how to and the possibility of converting a base mesh into an editable poly. which enables us to get control over the vertices and edges of a mesh. The other two operations which which comes in handy a lot is inset and extrude. which we were asked to use to make a water bottle. Then we took a small break. Chilled a bit with my buddy and got back to class.

As the last trick of the day she got us to know of FFD 4x4 and Loop. FFD 4x4 is an equivalent to an editable cage in Blender were you could deform a mesh using the control points. We were asked to make a coconut tree using the things we learned. I finished it quickly packed up my thing, talked to my lecturer about the recently held game jam and about her team being the once who got the 2nd place and the cash price for it. Left the uni, right to home.

I worked on the Room scene again to improve the visual similarity using all what I learned the last class. here is what the final result looks like.

Here is the link to the uploaded max file of the above shown scene.

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