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Week 6 : Cards And Actions...

I it was the third week of the month of July, 2020. we were making good progress in terms of version number, put quiet a few thing aren't right, anyways.. It was a facilitation session, the teams were presenting their work to the tutors to get feedback and suggestions. It was Aniket's team that presented first. they were making progress in terms of enemy AI behavior and firing system. but not much in terms of art and asset and art.

Then our team presented, starting with Animation department the tutor gave remark about the pace of progress which is not very promising. They had an issue with the fur and non solid geometry. the tutor suggested them some tips like to make s similar hair of fur system like seen in the EPIC's "Fortnight"

Fortnight Hair

Then comes the review of programming tasks achieved by our team. I implemented pillar destruction and improved enemy behavior. The coding style I followed was very simple and I wasn't very clean. but any ways it got the job done. I got a few remarks about my work. We had a discussion with the team members about what to for the coming week and decided up on integration and bug fixing to be the task; Ahmed told us that the terms used are too generalized and you guys have to elaborate the tasks to its detail. so we did by making a To-Do list and assigning tasks for every user.

For the next class with Ahmed we got quickly into the main topic of the class it was GOAP which was an abbreviation for Goal Oriented Action Planning. Goal Oriented Action Planning is one of the most dynamic and flexible style of coding AI for games which comes with one obvious tradeoff which is its performance heavy. In simple terms a GOAP system will contain a planning phase and and execution phase. the the planning phase is our point of interest. The planning has three main key components to it. The World State is all the available information about the present. The Action Set is the collection of possible actions available to the AI. And the Future State is the possible states that becomes available to a search path when is decides to do a certain action.

References :

gang, O. (2018). Fortnight Hair [Illustration]. Retrieved from

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