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Week 4 : 4mation

Its some day in the first week of July, the year 2020. Life is getting busier day by day, two jobs to manage, an education to keep up and daily chores; but I should admit that form all this I am actually learning a lot, even though its a hard way. We had a class with Ahmed Gamal and Bing, as it was a facilitation session it was held to present and discus the project progress and future target that the team is planning to achieve. All of my class mates were there, joined in and waited for the class to begin.

Upon start, Anikith's team was the one who began presenting and they had made some progress, it seams like they are keeping the conceptualization or pre-production phase for what it is. their teams concept art was mostly done and was impressive in compression to ours.

After them we began presenting, Srikar had made very good progress on the menu as expected. things were animated and juiced up. later we had a discussion session with the team mates to decide who will be doing the tasks from the list on Hack 'n' Plan. I took the pillar programming and integrating it with the melee-enemies.

The next day we had a programming lecture with Ahmad. The asked us to detail the concepts learned the last class and elaborated the concepts for better understanding. Then he introduced us to a new concept called "Formation".

Its when an entity is steered or moved to a predefined position obeying mainly two steering behaviors, seeking and separation. He then asked us to team up in pairs and make a formation which he assigns to each team. I was teamed up with Anikith and we were assigned to make a 'V' shaped formation.

I and my buddy worked on separate projects simultaneously. I managed to make the V shape procedurally with a bit of math. And the final result was something that were the boids follow a transform and rotates and get into position as per the rotated transform orientation. here is how it looked in the end.

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